Westin Hotel and on Zoom

Aug 03, 2022 12:30 PM
Annual Seafair Program feat. RADM Melvin Bouboulis
Westin Hotel and on Zoom
"The Present and Future Coast Guard in the Pacific Northwest"
Long program speaker Rear Admiral Bouboulis will highlight recent rescues and exciting achievements of local Coast Guard members, as well as touch upon the Coast Guard's broader role in maritime safety and commerce here in the Pacific Northwest. RADM Bouboulis will cover both the Coast Guard's current role in the local and international community and aspects of what the Coast Guard plans to bring to the Pacific Northwest in the years to come.
Short program speaker Eric Corning will provide a sneak peek of the new Blue Angels Super Hornets and exciting performers in the airshow at this year's Seafair weekend alongside other highlights from Seattle's biggest regional festival (did someone say "floating concerts"?).
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