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Building Pathways to Inclusion
As a business leader, it’s rare to go a day without hearing or talking about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. George Floyd’s murder reignited the DEI movement, and companies across the country immediately ramped up their DEI efforts. Yet, there is one ‘d’ often left out of these discussions: disability.
According to the CDC, 61 million Americans - about 26 percent of our population - have some type of disability. Yet, because these individuals may require accommodations, they are often marginalized.
Seattle-based nonprofit PROVAIL believes every one of us has the right to pursue the life we choose to live, and has spent 80 years fighting the stigma around disabilities. As one of the state’s largest multi-service agencies, PROVAIL supports people with disabilities to fulfill their life choices through its three program areas: Employment Services, Home & Lifestyle, and Mobility & Communication.
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