Posted by Pete DeLaunay
President Beth opened the meeting promptly at 12:30 PM as the fourth-oldest and one of the largest club’s in the Rotary system.   She acknowledged the passing of past Rotary president Bruce Walker, who lived his full life living the Rotary Four-Way Test.  Linda Rough and Ryan Bunbury, accompanied by Jevon Powell, delivered the day’s song by Bill Withers, ‘Lean on Me’.  Jaime Mendez provided the day’s inspiration, recognizing Rotarians who have ‘stepped up’ to invite at least one prospect to a meeting.  It takes our actions to inspire hope.  Anniversaries were recognized with another outstanding video produced by ED Caroline Bobanick, who will be leaving her position on August 31.  A search committee has been formed to seek a new ED. 

Rotarians ‘Step Up’ is exactly what club members need to do, President Beth said.  Embrace the need for all of us to take a bit more going forward.  There is no meeting on August 31.

“Prince of Programs” Ken Grant came to the podium to introduce his personal friend and fellow Rotarian, Shari Storm.  She previously worked at a credit union, then wrote a book on how to be a better boss, harnessing the power of persuasion to get those around you to go the extra mile at whatever you are trying to accomplish.

She began by relating how being a parent can make you better at your job.  Her book, “Using Your Parenting Skills to be a Better Boss",  speaks to how women in leadership roles can be successful. Her celebrity followed the book that received wide recognition from national publications and an appearance on Martha Stewart’s program. 

She described a reality television program where a nanny created a sticker chart to help children behave and do certain tasks. “What you put your energy behind that what people will do,” she said. “For her daughters she created a ‘sticker chart’ that did not work with her family.  It’s not what’s measured that gets done it is what is fun.”

“People will do what they like best,” she said, “When you have to get anything done make it fun."

She showed a video about how to make certain tasks fun, that showed how people would take the stairs over an escalator when the stairs were designed as a piano. “Fun can change behavior for the better,” she said, “that we call it the fun theory."

As a Rotary leader or boss…it's not your duty to make other people’s jobs or duties fun; you can determine what people do best and how it can benefit your club.  Orchestrate an environment where people have more fun.

She described how orchestrated environments make people feel more comfortable. “I had two former employees, Jerry and Terry, who had different work styles,” she said. “Jerry liked email, data and liked the cadence of it; becoming the ‘go to’ person for reports and data. Terry was buried in her computer screen, who we agreed could work from home on Fridays, with no interruptions in exchange for keeping her hands off the computer and looking the person in the eye.”  

She said any sales program rewards results.  Motivate people, she continued, who are optimistic and persistent to make calls and accept rejection.

“There’s no such thing as a family secret.  The way you treat people is the way they react…don’t be a jerk at work,” she said.  “If you have a child that is old enough to speak, your secret will come out no matter what. Good parents build a world where their children will flourish imagine what it would do for your team at work.”

Next week’s meeting on Zoom only is the CEO of ‘ShelterBox’ in anticipation of emergencies anywhere around the world.

Future Rotary Programs -

August 24: Zoom Only - Kerri Murray, ShelterBox discussing her work serving as President for the global disaster relief charity, ShelterBox USA.

September 7, Westin Hotel and Zoom - Brent Beardall, WaFd CEO “Leading with Gratitude - The Intersection of Foresight, Hard Work, and Luck” - Brent Beardall will present a 105-year old bank went from a technological neophyte to an industry- leading digital first bank.

September 14 – Rainier Club and Zoom - Amy Lillard, Commissioner, Washington Filmworks

September 21 - Rainier Club and on Zoom - Roger BelAir - Pickleball: Past, Present, & Prisons


Thank you to meeting reporter Pete DeLaunay for this week's meeting report!

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