Make a Donation

With two gifts, we change the world.
Step 1: Make your gift to the Seattle Rotary Service Foundation (SRSF)
We ask all our members to make an annual gift of $400 or more to the Seattle Rotary Service Foundation ($150 for Young Rotary Leaders aka YRL). To join the Pinkham and Skeel Circle of Service, the minimum donation is $1,000. To join the President's Circle, the minimum donation is $2,500.
Please click the link above to donate online to SRSF using your credit card.
Click HERE to print a blank SRSF contribution form. Fill it out and snail mail it to:
Seattle Rotary Club Foundation
1326 Fifth Avenue, Suite 342
Seattle, WA 98101
Please note that we require two separate checks: one payable to the Seattle Rotary Service Foundation and one payable to The Rotary Foundation.
Step 2: Make your annual gift to Rotary International (TRF): Please use club ID #130 when giving
We ask all our members to make an annual gift of $100 or more to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). To be a Paul Harris Fellow, the minimum or cumulative donation is $1,000. The more we give, the more of The Rotary Foundation matching funds will come back to Seattle service projects.
You may make your donation with a credit card directly to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) by calling 1-866-976-8279. They have wonderful customer service and a live representative is typically available with no wait time to assist you. If you prefer to donate online, click HERE for TRF's donation portal.
To set up a monthly or quarterly recurring donation to The Rotary Foundation (TRF), use this form.
Please send your completed form to:
Seattle Rotary Club Foundation
1326 Fifth Avenue, Suite 342
Seattle, WA 98101
SRSF EIN: 91-0612120
TRF EIN: 36-3245072
Other Ways to Give
Donating Stocks & Securities
- Brokerage firm: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
- Account name: Seattle Rotary Service Foundation
- Account number: 3350-4914
- DTC number: 0164, Code 40
- Tax identification number: 91-0612120
Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)
You can set up your own donor-advised fund (DAF) administered by any number of organizations, such as Schwab Charitable, Fidelity Charitable, or even a non-profit organization such as the Seattle Foundation. SRSF encourages Rotarians to contribute funds to help perpetuate not only the club's goals and projects but also the work of community non-profit organizations engaged in various avenues of Rotary service.
As you consider making a gift to a DAF or a private endowed fund, please keep in mind that the fund administrator may have specific criteria pertaining to their fund. Many of our members donate highly appreciated assets to a DAF to avoid the capital gains tax on the appreciated stock or other asset and then use donations from the DAF to support SRSF and other qualifying charities over a period of years. The donation receives its applicable tax deduction on the date the stock is transferred to the DAF.
For more information email
The widget below makes giving through your Donor Advised Fund simple. First select your sponsoring organization and then indicate the amount you are donating.